Chapter 1 A component for C/C++ clients Introduction A COM object and its VTable A GUID QueryInterface(), AddRef(), and Release() An IClassFactory object Packaging into a DLL Our C++/C include file The Definition (DEF) file Install the DLL, and register the object An example C program An example C++ program Modifying the codeChapter 2 A component for scripting clientsWhy script languages can't use our DLL as is
Automation datatypes (ie, BSTR, VARIANT)
The IDispatch functions
The type library
Registering the type library
A VBscript example
A Property
An updated example C application
Packaging the component into an EXEChapter 3 CollectionsA list Defining a collection object
Some helper functions
Our collection object's functions
How an application obtains our collection object
A VBscript example
A C example
An IEnumVARIANT object
Another VBscript example
Another C example
A more generic approach
Add/Remove itemsChapter 4 Multiple interfaces, and delegationMultiple interfaces
Embedding sub-objects in our object
How an app obtains the base object
How an app obtains a sub object from the base object
How an app obtains an object from another sub-object
QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release of our base object
QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release of our sub-objects
Another way to add a sub-object to our object
An example object with multiple interfaces
An example C app that uses our object
Scripting limitationsChapter 5 Event source/sink (Connectable objects)Callback functions
Wrapping a callback function in a COM object
IConnectionPointContainer and IConnectionPoint objects
An example C app
Adding support for script languages
Another example C app
A VBscript example
Multiple types of callback objects
Multiple callback objectsChapter 6 An ActiveX Script HostIntroduction
Choosing/opening an engine
Our IActiveScriptSite object
An example VBscript
Initializing the engine
Adding a script to the engine
Running scripts
Closing an engine
Loading a script
Enumerating installed engines
Running a script in another thread